We Made It To The Weekend; Fuck It, Let’s Eat Lots Of Carbs!!

bread, carbs, cooking, food, happiness, life, marriage, Midwest, real shit

Musings of a Dog Mom

It’s been a long week, and I’ve been very good about eating less carbs, but now it’s the weekend so fuck it! Let’s cut loose a little! For our Friday night weekend kickoff, I made penne with mini meatballs and a side of Italian herb and Parmesan bread. I’ll be perfectly honest here; I’m very good at making meatballs from scratch, but I didn’t this time because I didn’t feel like going to the store and the frozen kind were available for delivery on Amazon Prime Now. Groceries delivered? Fuck yeah. So there’s not much awe involved in boiling pasta and heating up frozen meatballs in sauce.

What I really want to talk about is the bread. I was having a massive carb craving and wanted some kind of awesome bread, but all I had was leftover hamburger buns. Thankfully, I grew up in a poor household in the Midwest…

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